City/ District:
İstanbul / Fatih
Uygulamalı Türk-İslâm Sanatları Kütüphanesi Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Külliyesi

Erol Dönmez was born in Sivas in 1965. He is a graduate of Marmara University Theology Faculty. Dönmez completed his graduate studies at MU Fine Arts Faculty with his thesis themed "Works of Kadi-ul Asker Mustafa İzzet Efendi in Museums and Libraries in Istanbul". He received thuluth and naskh script licenses from Hüseyin Kutlu in 1993, and worked as a research assistant at Atatürk University Fine Arts Faculty between 1994-1998. Dönmez is still in charge of the khatt group of the Applied Turkish-Islamic Arts Library.